Friday, June 12, 2009

Thank you,'s Friday and that is good!

Yes, it has finally come and I only have one more hour of work today and on...weekend! God certainly knew that we needed weekends, therefore it was! Yes, I believe that God created all things good. Wine, shopping, roses, wine, weekends, the beach, cats, dogs, kids (until they are 13) wine, cigarettes, sex, I Love Lucy, Andy Griffith, boob implants, wine...well, the list goes on but you get the general idea.

Then there are snakes. I know that it says in the bible that God made snakes. I have had this conversation with my evangelical seven year old. But I absolutely detest snakes. I will run over them and back up to run over them again. One day we came across a nasty-ass-rotten-heathen snake sunning in the road. I judged my distance, slowed down very slow to really crunch him and then baby son says, "Mom, they are God's creatures. He made them too." After much discussion, (still keeping my eye on the nasty-ass-rotten-heathen snake) I finally gave up and I said with all of my mommy-wisdom that has been bestowed upon me, "He made 'em but he don't like 'em either." (Imagine Clint Eastwood's voice, complete with squint and cigarette hanging out of my mouth as I jam the car in reverse to run over this snake for the sixth time.) "How do you know that, Mom?" asked this angel of love and compassion. "Because they ain't got no legs! They made God mad and he took 'em away!"

Thinking of that conversation reminded me of one that the King and I had last weekend. He was on the ladder in our bathroom changing out blown light bulbs in the ceiling fixture. He put the last bulb in and we turned on the switch illuminating with about 600 watts! I like it bright. Automatically, as with anything good, you need to be thankful. I was as I remarked, "And God said Let there be light and all was good in the hood!"

Now I know why I have never taught Sunday School!

Ya'll have a great weekend! Muwah...The Queen

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