Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Damn,how time flies when you don't blog! Or...I'm a lazy bitch!

This is my first post of 2009 which wouldn’t be so bad but it is June and here in my neck of the woods it is hotter than Satan’s armpit. Also, the humidity is a bitch!
I have no idea why I have always lived in the south, southeast, shit, North Carolina. I was born here. I have some remaining family here. I have some friends here. The beach and the mountains are not more than 2-3 hours away at best. But given all that, I should have left for a while anyway.
My husband pulled up stakes and left for California in his twenties. He’s been a goldminer, a cowboy/ranch hand, and a bartender to name a few. He tells me these stories and I can’t imagine. No goldmining for me! I am claustrophobic and well, it just wouldn’t go over real well when I hyperventilate and have a bad period at the same time. Cowboy? I’m scared shitless of horses and refuse to wear a hat due to “hat hair”. I have always envied a couple of my friends because they look so cool in a ball cap. It’s fucks with my doo and that is not good! Bartending is another no-go for me. I LOVE a good cold beer or twelve and can talk the horns off of a billy goat. Soon, I’d forget which side of the bar I was supposed to be on. Customers? What customers?
Needless to say, I probably would not have survived moving away from all that is familiar to me. Nope, I probably have done the right thing by being a citizen of Mayberry. Which one, though?
Helen? Nope, Helen was always a little on the uppity side for me!

Thelma Lou?
Way too sweet! Also, led by Helen…Uppity!

The there is the older folks…Clara Edwards…

Too damned nosy and two-faced. A shit-stirrer!

Awww, everybody loved Charlene Darling! I hate ribbons in any grown woman’s hair…sorry!

Well, that leaves this one:

Yep, always, happy Otis…
Okay, folks, first and maybe last post of 2009! Let’s go have a drink and toast the NEW YEAR!!! (I’ll drink to that!) Love, The Queen AKA Otis Campbell


Parlancheq said...

I don't know where the first half of 2009 went. I swear it was winter like yesterday.

The Queen of Winstead said...

Is that a sign that we are getting old? Hells to the nos!!!!