Friday, February 22, 2008

Whoda Thunk It?!

Okey, Dokey, first things first...,2933,331816,00.html

Drew Petersons third wife was murdered by drowning! Well, I am shocked! I am appalled! Whoda fuckin thunk it!!! This fucktard, asswipe, cunthead...(all other various and assorted vulgar names, insert here___)I cannot wait until they put his ass under the far right corner of the jail.

Is it something about the last name Peterson? Scott Peterson killed Lacy Peterson. Michael Peterson killed Kathleen Peterson. Drew Peterson may have killed Kathleen his third wife and it ain't looking too good for number 4 wife, Stacy Peterson as she has been missing for a few months now. But wait, lets look at the similarities between Michael and Drew. Michael had been the last person with Elizabeth Ratliffe(a friend of his) in Germany that fell down a flight of stairs for her entrance into the afterlife. Ruled an accident. After Kathleen (his wife) met the same fate with the same entrance into the afterlife, they dug up poor Elizabeth and ruled it a homicide. Michael's ass is now sitting here in a prison in Nawf C'lina. Drew was the last person with Kathleen Savio (ex or soon-to-be-ex). Kathleen's bathtub death was ruled an accident. When his fourth wife (Stacy) went mysteriously guessed it...sure 'nough dug up poor Kathleen and it is now ruled a homicide.

My advice to Drew, run, they are going to nail your sorry ass. But don't run towards Nawf C'lina. We do not put up with that kind of shit here!

Secondly, to all of you lovely ladies out there, if your future spouse is named Peterson, Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a serious note, there is no excuse for domestic abuse. If you can't live with a person without verbally or physically assaulting them, GET THE FUCK OUT! Especially before it gets to the point of taking a human life.

So, what's happening at the castle, you may wonder?

King's birthday went off wonderfully. We took a road trip to the beach last weekend. We love the drive and there is a particular flea market that we enjoy visiting. So last Saturday, sans the kids, we set off to the beach.

It's not very unusual for the King to take a detour along the way. If he happens to see a particular road that he's never been on, he'll just turn down it, get us lost, and eventually we get on course again. Happens every time we take a trip. No different, Saturday except, this was a little strange as to where he wanted to go. I HAD to see this place. After circling on and off of the highway like fucking buzzards for thirty minutes, he found this place...

A funking mental hospital!!!! Why pray tell did I have to see a looney bin, nut house, squirrel he trying to tell me something? Is this my future address? Shit, is this his birthday present to have my ass committed? I began to ponder...and ponder...and ponder. At the end of this endless tour, the Queen was holding on to the seat and sweating profusely. This amused the King MUCHLY.

Until, the Queen got even by doing this to all of the folks walking around the hospital:

It did not take long to get back on track to the beach!

Fuck with the Queen. I think not.

We have the greatest, craziest times together. He truly is my best friend!

But, I did get one over on him with his gift. He continually buys me very sweet gifts and trinkets that he knows I'll love. This year I bought him a new computer. (The only thing he loves almost as good as boinking the Queen is his computer, and it died this week.) That being said, he was speechless! I am so thankful that I was able to do that for him on his birthday this year.

I don't talk a lot about my work. For the most part, I really enjoy my job even though it entails working with thirteen Goddesses/Divas. I can usually put up with them but this one Goddess/Diva grips my asshole in such a way that you couldn't get a needle between my ass cheeks with a jackhammer. This is what she looks like:

Bitch in Pink!!!
Just had to get that off of my chest!
It's Friday, I've done my dance, hope all of you have a safe, drama free weekend. Peace out, love to ya and all that shit! The Queen

1 comment:

Memphis said...

I love the photo. I especially love the fact that it gets huge when you click it. I would like to print it out and hang it on the door to my office to keep people away.